Today, a protesting red hatter tried to explain this hypocrisy to me

Image from and submitted by ABrickForSheep
image showing Today, a protesting red hatter tried to explain this hypocrisy to me

PM_ME_URBFPROBLEMS on January 18th, 2018 at 01:14 UTC »

Trump's buttons are bigger apparently

GreyMediaGuy on January 18th, 2018 at 01:35 UTC »

Could you imagine a timeline where these dipshits had to actually defend the God Emperor and couldn't invoke Hillary/Obama/Soros? Like, if they had to actually demonstrate with objective reality and evidence that Trump has managed to do something, anything, that benefits someone other than him, or the 1%? It'd be impossible. It'd be nothing but stuttering, stammering, and a hissy (or attempts to shame/personal insults, their favorite, the go-to for grown-up bullies everywhere).

noodhoog on January 18th, 2018 at 08:24 UTC »

That's why Trump is on the golf course so much! Not only is he playing for himself, he's also going through all of Obama's courses in reverse, pulling the balls out of the holes and bringing them back to the tee.