Giant swirl, A rare and Unique phenomenon at crater lake national park, Oregon. [oc] (1080x1620)

Image from and submitted by PierreLeclercPhoto
image showing Giant swirl, A rare and Unique phenomenon at crater lake national park, Oregon. [oc] (1080x1620)

PierreLeclercPhoto on January 18th, 2018 at 01:16 UTC »

A giant swirl of pollen had formed on the surface of crater lake. I was fortunate to be there at the right time and able to capture it before it disappeared

chelseaisweird on January 18th, 2018 at 07:56 UTC »

Man, Crater Lake is amazing, I was just there in August. I read on a pamphlet while I was there that before digital photography, Kodak would send peoples photos back to the owners apologizing for discoloring the images, because they thought that the water couldn’t possibly be that blue. I love it.

Ameratsuflame on January 18th, 2018 at 08:27 UTC »

That's a damn lie. It's swirling because someone pulled the plug from the bottom.