Octopus tattooed by Airynn Monroe from Wicked Good Ink Portland ME

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by DownEastBeast
image showing Octopus tattooed by Airynn Monroe from Wicked Good Ink Portland ME

Sir_Janka on January 17th, 2018 at 21:53 UTC »

What body part is this I can't tell lmao

IntoDawnIRide on January 18th, 2018 at 00:18 UTC »

I really like this one!

OP how hard is it to take care of in that placement? I’ve always been curious about tattoos around belt/undergarment lines and if they’re harder to not rub, etc.

Ocean_Spice on January 18th, 2018 at 00:48 UTC »

I used to work with an octopus. His name was Opal and he was a brat, he always shoved sand into his tank filter (and tore off the foam that was supposed to prevent him from doing so), as well as stealing my net and trying to climb up my arm while I would attempt to fish the crab shells out of his tank. I hear the new octopus they have now is much more sweet and reserved, thank god. When I had to leave the job because I found one closer to home, I left him in the care of a new girl who I think got scared off by his sassiness. 😂 Is there any meaning behind the tattoo? It looks great!