What is wrong with you guys

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image showing What is wrong with you guys

Portr8 on January 17th, 2018 at 02:59 UTC »

My friend worked at Dollar General a few years ago. They were strict about theft prevention. They lock up all the detergents because customers would open up a bottle of liquid detergent and pour it into a plastic shopping bag in their pants and walk out. Or pour it into an empty soda bottle.

I'm sure it's easier to steal Tide Pods.

SapperLeader on January 17th, 2018 at 04:05 UTC »

It's because tide functions as a stable currency in low income areas. Ever been to an independent gas station with a surprisingly well stocked detergent aisle? Could be that someone brought it in and exchanged it for a sweet sweet bottle of hooch.

WuTangGraham on January 17th, 2018 at 04:24 UTC »

You were shopping in a bad neighborhood.

Detergent is one of the most commonly stolen items in a lot of stores, especially ones in low income areas. It's reasonably expensive (in terms of dollar per ounce), it's easy to steal, and everyone needs it. The trifecta that leads to a ton of theft.