Internetspeed me and my roommates pay and what we receive [OC]

Image from and submitted by Qomp
image showing Internetspeed me and my roommates pay and what we receive [OC]

Qomp on January 15th, 2018 at 16:28 UTC »

I collected the data using the website and exported the CSV. Parsed the data in Java to fit in python. As you can see, I collected the bandwith about 24 hours, to measure when all devices are running and when they were not. Only in the night time you have no full bandwith drop.

Living in germany and using the ISP Vodafone/Kabel Deutschland.

EDIT: it seems like the method to collect the data is flawed. Results of speed testing rely heavily on the server capacity, so the values measured are not entirely (if at all) correct. A useful method to measure the bandwith has yet to be found. Suggestions are appreciated.

EDIT2: result Also, this does heavily vary.

EDIT3: Neubot seems to be a far better site for speed measuring, I also will look into my modem.

themastermonk on January 15th, 2018 at 19:15 UTC »

Another good trick is download large files from Microsoft as they tend to have solid data centers all over the place.

For torrenting without getting in trouble go for Linux distros

JeeYotaStang on January 15th, 2018 at 23:28 UTC »

I paid for 300 and consistently got around 30. Out of frustration I dropped to the 50 package and get around 60 now. _(•-•)_/

I didn’t know how to make the shruggy guy thingy so I improvised. I know it’s not as good and I’m sorry.

For mobile 🤔