"Yeah, but I mean, it's different though"

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by i-am-sancho
image showing "Yeah, but I mean, it's different though"

BallMop on January 15th, 2018 at 15:44 UTC »

My mom always posts Malcolm X quotes on MLK day and gets raged at lol

SaidTheHypocrite on January 15th, 2018 at 16:37 UTC »

Like people that only go to church on Christmas.

But I don't go to church at all so I'm not sure what my point is.

LegoK9 on January 15th, 2018 at 16:44 UTC »

Surprised no one has posted this old political cartoon.

Edit: Never really thought to read the handwriting despite seeing it regularly, but here it goes:

[Top:] How can you, a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, be such a deceitful hypocrite? You’re not fooling anyone but yourself in your [Left:] nauseating talk about non-violence. [Right:] You demand a program to overcome poverty and “flow in” [?] untold amounts in your high living and running all over the globe to feed your own egotism.

The shift in public perspective on MLK is remarkable and I hope to see the same for our peaceful protesters decades from now.