In The Not So Distant Future, Glow-In-The-Dark Trees Could Replace Street Lights

Authored by and submitted by DingDongInDaPingPong
image for In The Not So Distant Future, Glow-In-The-Dark Trees Could Replace Street Lights

According to Daan Roosegaarde, the future of art and design is awash with spectacular innovation.

From giant vacuum cleaning systems aimed at eradicating smog to "smart" apparel that becomes translucent when the wearer is turned on, the Dutch artist/designer/architect has helped imagine some hair-raising projects that could propel us into a new era of aesthetics.

His newest endeavor -- a plan to replace light fixtures with bioluminescent plants -- is no letdown in comparison.

Taking a cue from biomimicry, Roosegaarde is hoping to transform your average street-side trees into beacons of light for passersby. Like the luminescent abilities of jellyfish, mushrooms or fireflies, Roosegaarde, scientist Alexander Krichevsky and the State University of New York are all on the case, splicing DNA from luminescent marine bacteria with the chloroplast of a houseplant.

The smaller-scale, glow-in-the-dark specimens would act as the basis for a project of greater proportions -- light-emitting installations that look like trees. "What happens when technology jumps out of the computer screen and becomes part of the things that we wear and the roads that we drive on?" Roosegaarde muses in the video above.

Watch the short clip to hear the artist speak more about his ambitious plans and the reason he's ventured to the United States to pursue his quest. Let us know your thoughts on the merging of nature and technology in the comments.

Correction: An earlier edition of this article stated Roosegaarde employed biomimicry in his work. The piece has been amended to clarify he was inspired by it.

iamallamamamaamaa on January 8th, 2018 at 01:14 UTC »

This sounds like the Kickstarter I backed which didn't succeed after 4-5 years of research, unfortunately.

Ianchez on January 8th, 2018 at 00:34 UTC »

If those trees spread beyond their limits into the wild they could alter some ecosystems dependant of darkness, like Owl's.

Edit: a spelling.

Bokbreath on January 7th, 2018 at 23:52 UTC »

I’d be happy if we could stop streetlights spewing light horizontally and upwards. I mean surely it’s not hard to design a fresnel lense that would direct the light onto the street only.