Sarah Silverman responds to troll by befriending him and paying for his medical treatment

Authored by and submitted by JerkyOnassis

Sarah Silverman took the decision to show kindness to a total stranger who called her "c***" on Twitter - with surprising results.

After tweeting that she was always "open" to trying to understand the beliefs and motivations of Trump supporters, Twitter user Jeremy Jamrozy responded with the vulgar term; Silverman chose to confront her troll, but not with anger.

“I believe in you,” Silverman wrote to him instead. “I read ur timeline & I see what ur doing & your rage is thinly veiled pain. But u know that. I know this feeling. Ps My back F*cking sux too. see what happens when u choose love. I see it in you.”

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From that point on, the pair engaged in sincere dialogue about Jamrozy's own difficult past and the anger it ignited in him. "You don't deserve punishment," the comedian wrote. "You deserve support. Go to one of these support groups You might meet ur best bros there."

Jamrozy ended the exchange by apologising for his attack and promising he'd seek help for his issues, as Silverman added: "Don't give up on yourself. Be brave enough to risk getting burned. It's what happens when u fight for yourself. But it's worth it. I promise."

Jeremy went for a consult and it’s worse than we hoped. If you’re so inclined, help get him on his feet and working again.

He’s in San Antonio if you’re an actual expert that can help with ur skills.. — Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) January 2, 2018

She then turned to her 12.3 million followers, sharing his GoFundMe page with them and asking whether they could help him find a specialist. Jamrozy told that Silverman has now offered to pay for the man's medical treatment and that he, in turn, will use the money he'd already raised to help others who need help.

"I was once a giving and nice person, but too many things destroyed that and I became bitter and hateful," Jamrozy said. "Then Sarah showed me the way. Don't get me wrong, I still got a long way to go, but it's a start."

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SharktheRedeemed on January 6th, 2018 at 14:13 UTC »

While we're heaping praise on Silverman, I want to praise the troll for admitting they were being a jerk and admitting that they'd done wrong.

I'm sure everyone on the internet has encountered someone who would've just doubled down on their toxic behavior rather than step back and go, "you know what? You're right, something is wrong with me and I need help."

Silliestmonkey on January 6th, 2018 at 12:17 UTC »

Always making the best out of the situation. To quote Sarah, “when life hands you AIDS, you make lemonAIDS!”

mattreyu on January 6th, 2018 at 12:00 UTC »

In other news, millions of people rush to Twitter to call Sarah Silverman a cunt in hopes of her granting wishes.