Harlem Hellfighters back from WWI, wearing the Cross of War medals, 1919.

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by Strahozor
image showing Harlem Hellfighters back from WWI, wearing the Cross of War medals, 1919.

c4nn0n8411run on January 6th, 2018 at 00:32 UTC »

Great image! Interesting to see the variation in the way they wear their uniform and gear.

LarryDallas1 on January 6th, 2018 at 03:50 UTC »

Guy on upper right is the Sicilian dude that was down.

Codeblu3 on January 6th, 2018 at 04:35 UTC »

Not sure if hes in this picture or not but one of the men to serve in the 369th United States Infantry Regiment was named Henry Johnson. HE was awarded the medal of honor in 2015 for helping defend his comrades in 1918 in which he fought and killed as many as 24 German soldiers in during a night raid. He first used his rifle until it jammed, then used it as a club until it broke then switching to a bolo knife and finally his bare hands. From this he earned the nickname "Black Death"

During this he was injured but survived and was awarded the medal seen in this picture the French Croix de Guerre avec Palme France's highest award for Valor. He would return home a hero but after speaking openly about segregation in the military and the results of his injures who would die alone and forgotten

Much later a Tuskegee airmen believed to be his son petitioned for him to receive recognition from the government. He received the medal of honor and the distinguished service cross and has a bust, which is placed with a monument to other African america soldiers who fought in the 369th United States Infantry Regiment located in Albany, NY.