About Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

Authored by imaginationlibrary.com and submitted by laidback26

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free, high-quality books to children from birth until they begin school, no matter their family’s income.

After launching in 1995, the program grew quickly. First books were only distributed to children living in Sevier County, Tennessee where Dolly grew up. It became such a success that in 2000 a national replication effort was underway. By 2003, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library had mailed one million books. It would prove to be the first of many millions of books sent to children around the world.

Dolly’s home state of Tennessee pledged to pursue statewide coverage in 2004 and global expansion was on the horizon. After the United States, the program launched in Canada in 2006 followed by the United Kingdom in 2007 and Australia joined in 2013.

Together, Dolly Parton and her book gifting organization have received honors and awards for their dedication to enriching the lives of children everywhere.

The Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, Best Practices award from the Library of Congress Literacy Awards and recognition in Reading Psychology are just a few among a long list of the prestigious acknowledgments the program has received.

In addition to the many awards the organization has received, several milestones have been celebrated throughout the years. With each goal achieved a new one takes its place, creating an ever growing and expanding organizational culture, much like that of Dolly’s always-keep-dreaming mindset.

rahaco on January 3rd, 2018 at 22:40 UTC »

Our daughter is legally blind and we signed up to receive these books. They hooked us up with a local Visually Impaired program that works with the Imagination library, and every one we receive has braille imprinted over the words. It's the absolute best program.

WiscoGrimesYo on January 3rd, 2018 at 22:25 UTC »

My niece received these books as a child. She used to refer to Dolly as her “best friend Dolly Parton”. When the books would arrive, she would scream “My friend Dolly sent me another book!”. We played some of her music for her when she was about 4 and she spent the next six months running around the house singing “Jolene”. When we finally showed her a picture of what she looked like, she lost her little child mind. She just stared in wonder and smiled like Dolly was a magical princess. Niece is currently an asshole teenager but will still jam some Dolly with her mom and I if we put it on. Dolly for life. Edit: I should note that my niece did not know that Dolly was a singer until we played her Dolly’s music. She was just her “best friend Dolly” who sent her books. So sweet.

lazespud2 on January 3rd, 2018 at 21:30 UTC »

Dolly Parton is THE BEST. An absolute American treasure who grew up dirt poor and has used her wealth and prominence to help others. I visited Dollywood 15 years ago—half for the fun kitschy experience and half because I frickin love Dolly—and was struck by how many people in that area of Pigeon Forge have great, dependable jobs because she decided to buy and expand a dilapidated old amusement park.