Pinnacle of trash

Image from and submitted by F3STUS
image showing Pinnacle of trash

icecreampopncereal on January 3rd, 2018 at 03:14 UTC »

I’m sure he’ll be back to “losing” his dog tomorrow

magicklobs-n-waves on January 3rd, 2018 at 03:30 UTC »

This is going to the front page... you're just feeding the beast.

Edit: For historical reference -- this post is competing at the top or r/all with a gif of Falcon Heavy by SpaceX.

theUglyBarnacle69 on January 3rd, 2018 at 05:15 UTC »

Lots of people out of the loop asking what happened and the answers are usually "just a picture of some cunt" still out of the loop though

Edit: Name is Logan Paul. He apparently made a video showing off the body of a suicide victim. Googled his name once I saw one of the other mentioned subs rants