They call him “Speedy”

Image from and submitted by iam4real
image showing They call him “Speedy”

kissmybacon on December 27th, 2017 at 15:59 UTC »

She was on that tortoise for a long time

dbelliepop87 on December 27th, 2017 at 16:35 UTC »

Does anyone know the artist and title?

DemocraticAssPaper on December 27th, 2017 at 19:10 UTC »

So I used to use this cab service called Speedy, they were an "illegal" cab company and just send you someone with a car to pick you up. It was a little shady but they had a great rep. They used to have this old Italian guy who I swear to god didn't have a license, or should have had it taken away years ago. He would cruise up in this beat up old Ford Taurus, barely spoke a word of English, never signaled, couldn't judge distance between cars, he would have a delay before accelerating and just put it to the floor or stop at the very last second.. It was fucking terrifying. In a half hour trip I thought we were going to die 3 or 4 times, but somehow we made it without hitting anything. I gave him a tip because I was so grateful to be alive