I rescued a baby duckling this summer and gave it to my neighbours. I’m glad to report that it’s now all grown up, doesn’t recognize me, and is hyper aggressive.

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by ColonelDredd
image showing I rescued a baby duckling this summer and gave it to my neighbours. I’m glad to report that it’s now all grown up, doesn’t recognize me, and is hyper aggressive.

Snake101333 on December 27th, 2017 at 17:41 UTC »

That's a muscovy duck, they're not all like that. Their personalities differ from duck to duck but it looks like you rescued the asshole one.

chrismikemoore on December 27th, 2017 at 18:26 UTC »

Duck owner here- don't feel bad, most ducks are assholes. Mine suck at ducking because they don't like the 'pond' I made for them and won't ever use it, despite having had them since they were a day old they hate humans, they are feed vacuums (although I will say there wasn't a single hornworm on my tomatoes this year) and they try to rape my goddamn chickens- even the rooster!

royboyblue on December 27th, 2017 at 20:17 UTC »

At my old house I had some land and a pond. The local wildlife animal rehab center would release animals on our property and I would assist a bit in reintegrating them into the wild, this included tree frogs, geese, ducks, raccoons and foxes. Two geese we received were forever handicapped as they had been raised in captivity for too long. One was physically handicapped and the other was just overly protective of the other.

I came home one fateful spring day and Winston had been merked. Found him floating upside down in the pond with a broken neck. Brock, his bro goose watched as I ferried Winston over to a placed we called the "island" (a pine covered thicket across the pond, only accessible via boat at the time)

He watched me bury his bro in the dirt and watched me float away. Every single day after that, Brock followed me ever second I was outside. If I rode the tractor, he sat on my lap. If I cut wood, he sat on the log. If I swam, he'd shit in the pool.

Brock was later murdered by an eagle.

Edit: wow. For those wondering. Brocks murderer was the local eagle who lived across the road (judging by the amount of feathers and blood and style of attack)

Edit 2: here's a video of our dear departed winged brother Brock https://youtu.be/8gR9PuHX2FI

Edit 3: thanks for the gold stranger!!! #ripbrock #ripwinston #justiceformuhbirds