credit where credit is due

Authored by and submitted by ninjyte
image for credit where credit is due

View this email in your browser credit where credit is due Bright is a big Special Makeup film with many talented people contributing to its success. ADI had one of our largest crews in recent memory, about 60 amazing artists and technicians creating around 50 hero makeups and another 85 background masks. We hope you'll tune in to Netflix to support the craft!

On rare occasion unintentional credit omissions are made. When you see those never-ending lists of crew in the credits of a movie like Bright you can be guaranteed that mistakes are going to be made.

That's what happened to us. Our entire crew was left out of the credits.

We're having the necessary conversations about getting it rectified (it's streaming, right? seems like a do-able fix) but until we get a resolution, we thought we'd post the complete list of the incredible folks who worked on ADI's crew.

And it's quite possible that we've left someone off! Speak up if we diss you and we'll give you a shout-out! Shop Supervisor

phillipjfried on December 26th, 2017 at 16:57 UTC »

It's not like the movie has hit theatres and they can't fix it.

Cam_Paq on December 26th, 2017 at 16:54 UTC »

As someone in the VFX industry. We get left out in the credits for works we put months and months to do. It's a common and sad practice.

BunyipPouch on December 26th, 2017 at 16:43 UTC »

Just put them in the credits, Netflix.

It's such a small/easy thing to do but probably means a lot.