As a teen in the 80s, my conservative God-fearing family wouldn't let me own Dungeons & Dragons. Thirty years later, my son and I are starting our D & D journey.

Image from and submitted by Oven_Kid
image showing As a teen in the 80s, my conservative God-fearing family wouldn't let me own Dungeons & Dragons. Thirty years later, my son and I are starting our D & D journey.

DevilDoge2141 on December 25th, 2017 at 12:37 UTC »

I had always wanted to play growing up but never had enough friends around to play with. Recently, a few of my friends and I finally got together over a few beers and now all I want to do is play! There are some great quests out there. I hope you and your son enjoy every single one of them together. Merry Christmas!

cryptomantothemoon on December 25th, 2017 at 12:43 UTC »

I was the kid who had all the books. I shit you not, I got kicked out of my friends house for breaking them out. We were just making character sheets and his mom was like, IS THAT D&D! DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL and I wasn't allowed over anymore :(

samfox11223 on December 25th, 2017 at 13:01 UTC »

As a dragon, I always enjoyed playing offices and accountants.