Say His Name

Image from and submitted by DrippingYellowMadnes
image showing Say His Name

SouthSouthLondon on December 24th, 2017 at 18:54 UTC »


Edit: the story for anyone interested:

A six-year-old boy was mistakenly shot dead in Texas when police officers opened fire on a suspected car thief, US media reports. As four officers targeted Amanda Lene Jones, 30, who they believed was armed, a stray bullet pierced the wall of the mobile home where the youngster, Kameron Prescott, lived. It became lodged in Kameron’s abdomen and officers rushed inside the house to carry him out and administer first aid. He was later pronounced dead at a nearby hospital.

Ahjeofel on December 24th, 2017 at 21:58 UTC »

why the fuck am I hearing about this from Reddit and nowhere else

DankVapor on December 24th, 2017 at 22:48 UTC »

Why is it that a soldier, a 19yo kid with a fully auto-weapon in a goddamn warzone where they know they are surrounded by enemies can be told, "Do not engage unless fired upon," in foreign soil against trained 'enemy combatants' and they do that, but an officer, who most of the time is dealing with average people who aren't trained, not armed, can with a simple, "I was afraid, I thought I saw a gun," just mow a civilian down?

These are our goddman people. Cops should have to earn a firearm as a firearm instantly removes your right to trial by your peers and assumes your guilt with a simple finger pull.