Ken M on realism

Image from and submitted by _The_Cure_
image showing Ken M on realism

yunggoldensmile on December 20th, 2017 at 15:35 UTC »

Some are so real you have to break the glass to really understand them

MoeSauce on December 20th, 2017 at 16:08 UTC »

Art is only worth what people are willing to pay for it. So if people say a painting looks priceless then you can probably just take it.

stealthispost on December 20th, 2017 at 17:07 UTC »

I'm always surprised at how unprotected priceless paintings are in galleries.

I remember seeing the biggest most valuable painting in the state gallery that reached the floor. I watched a child sprint across the room, stumble through the rope in front of the painting and smack their whole body into it with a loud "fwoomp". It didn't tear, but the canvas was a melon-sized depression in the canvas (no hard backing to it apparently)

The whole thing seemed so predictable and yet no one seemed prepared for it, and the security guards looked like it was a total disaster that noone could have ever foreseen.

If I had a gallery there would be a moat in front of the million dollar paintings.