My condo has a facebook group. Someone needed help with baking.

Image from and submitted by monsteronrampage
image showing My condo has a facebook group. Someone needed help with baking.

canup on December 20th, 2017 at 01:10 UTC »

it's interesting that he specified uncooked. wonder what happened in his life for him to have to do that

SmallStarCorporation on December 20th, 2017 at 01:30 UTC »

I never eat all my eggs and feel bad throwing them away. C'mon neighbors, come get my eggs. Or margarine. I don't know why I bought that giant fucking tub of margarine. If you're boiling eggs in margarine I'm your guy.

gasoline-rainbows on December 20th, 2017 at 03:30 UTC »

Somewhat related story....

My MIL desperately needed 2 eggs on Christmas day for her famous cornbread, but they were accidently eaten for breakfast. We went searching the little town to three different places; Walmart (closed), gas station (no eggs) and the only other open place which was a Chinese restaurant.

I went in asking for two eggs. "Egg roll??" they kept on asking. No, just two uncooked eggs. They were really confused, but went to the kitchen and got the eggs. They didn't know how to charge, so I just put down a $10 bill since it's the only cash I had. They tried to refuse, but I just said they were my Christmas miracle and walked out. It's been an on running joke since. Whenever we need an egg, we say "egg roll??"