Ted Cruz (R-TX) openly mocks those who support net neutrality. He does not represent how many Texans feel. We need #BetoForTexas in 2018!

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by allysonwonderland
image showing Ted Cruz (R-TX) openly mocks those who support net neutrality. He does not represent how many Texans feel. We need #BetoForTexas in 2018!

hammer101peeps on December 15th, 2017 at 19:08 UTC »

A sitting Senator has used the word snowflake. Vote Beto in 2018 to restore some class and dignity!

raresanevoice on December 15th, 2017 at 19:48 UTC »

That tweet demonstrates exactly WHY net neutrality is important. Because of net neutrality, an average American is more knowledgeable about Net Neutrality than a sitting Senator who gets his news from Fox.

I wish there were a way to get the nickname "Senator Snowflake" to stick because if anything gets to Snowflake Cruz, it's being mocked.

WebpackIsBuilding on December 15th, 2017 at 21:04 UTC »

I absolutely hate the misinformation behind pushing the "2015" date.

Yes, Net Neutrality was put into law in 2015. But that does not mean things were "fine" before it. We have had decades of debate on this topic, and countless examples of overreach by ISPs that necessitated net neutrality.

Airbags in cars only became mandatory in 1998. Can you imagine if, in the year 2000, politicians had tried to reverse that ruling on the grounds that "They didn't used to be required!".

It's absolute insanity.