We joked for years that my grandfather had a girlfriend in Japan. I found this in his desk. Occupied Japan, 1955

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by thetechwookie
image showing We joked for years that my grandfather had a girlfriend in Japan. I found this in his desk. Occupied Japan, 1955

whatthefugit on December 13rd, 2017 at 14:57 UTC »

Any idea what the plane is?

Throwaway-account-23 on December 13rd, 2017 at 17:10 UTC »

I still find it absolutely amazing that jet-powered fighters were normal only 52 years after the first powered flight and that the first men would walk on the moon only 14 years after this pic.

zackarykapowski on December 13rd, 2017 at 18:10 UTC »

My dad who adopted me was my biological grandfather served in the Air Force and spent time in Okinawa. He many times would mention a girl he had met there and would get visibly sad when speaking of it. He had a photo of her as well that he always kept hidden from my mom lol. He showed me before and said don’t tel your mom!

He said when he had to leave, he told her he’d come back for her and she said no, you won’t. Obviously it wasn’t as easy to keep in contact in those days and he never spoke with her again. It was crazy to me how that many years later, you could still how it had impacted him and he still had feelings for her.