This is Sean Patrick Maloney. A U.S. Representative who has recently brought up a bill to make trying to end net neutrality illegal. Let’s all thank this man.

Image from and submitted by TankBelinski108
image showing This is Sean Patrick Maloney. A U.S. Representative who has recently brought up a bill to make trying to end net neutrality illegal. Let’s all thank this man.

rundigital on December 12nd, 2017 at 21:36 UTC »

Thank you man!

Tanuki_Attack on December 12nd, 2017 at 23:42 UTC »

Good. It is sickening to watch corporations attempt to stagnate the human race for a few bucks. The internet was designed to be decentralized for a reason.

I imagine once major ISPs start bundling their internet service, smaller ISPs can probably start to advertise their service as unfettered access.

I will gladly sacrifice speed for access. I mean, what is the point of the internet otherwise?