Moving company helps women leave abusive homes.

Image from and submitted by randomuser9061
image showing Moving company helps women leave abusive homes.

laciepound on December 10th, 2017 at 16:02 UTC »

This is so great. Sometimes one of the factors that prevent people from leaving their abusers is the lack of money to do so; financial abuse is often tied to physical and emotional abuse. These guys are awesome.

blueeyedconcrete on December 10th, 2017 at 17:52 UTC »

I wish I knew about this 9 years ago! I left with a backpack. I went back once to try to get some of my stuff and he cornered me in the kitchen for hours. I left so many things at that house, everything that I moved out of my parent's house with and the things I collected my first few years living away from home. My book collection, my mother's wedding dress, my hope chest my grandmother gave me for graduation. I know its just stuff, but I still think about it to this day.

runtwothree on December 10th, 2017 at 20:22 UTC »

Someone already mentioned this in a reply, but it's worth stating again: You can request a police officer to be on hand while you move your things and/or if you need to go back there for any reason. I recommend that anyone moving out of a shared space with an abuser do this, even if you don't think the abuser is going to show up. Also, call the YWCA (local or national) for more advice and/or support.