Today I beat my favorite game growing up to 100% completion. It isn't much, but I wanted to share.

Image from and submitted by wingdealing
image showing Today I beat my favorite game growing up to 100% completion. It isn't much, but I wanted to share.

Dogdaze89 on December 9th, 2017 at 18:27 UTC »

I actually installed that this morning with intentions of doing the same thing! Congrats! Definitely my favorite GTA as well.

DaytonF7 on December 9th, 2017 at 19:13 UTC »

I remember playing this game at my cousin's house on PS2 when we were kids all the time. The problem was they never took care of their shit so the disc was all scratched up within a week.

So what would happen is the game would have to stop to load every like 1-3 minutes. Sometimes we have to wait for 5 minutes for the game to start again. We could sometimes combat this by stopping what we were doing in-game and letting things catch up.

It's funny how nowadays I bitch about every little thing in my games. Frame drops/fov/the odd crash/ect. But back then that was one of the very few games we could play and we loved every minute.

Captain_J_Kerbal on December 9th, 2017 at 19:51 UTC »

And you ra-a-ahhn you raaaan so faaar awaaaaaaaay ♫♪♫