Starterpack for a late 19th century hypebeast

Image from and submitted by BuckChintheRealtor
image showing Starterpack for a late 19th century hypebeast

AwesomeBantha on December 9th, 2017 at 14:54 UTC »

missing the opium

CC5C on December 9th, 2017 at 15:56 UTC »

Ale is for plebs. Vin Mariani, that's where it's at.

joeyJoJojrshabadoo3 on December 9th, 2017 at 17:04 UTC »

Hyping in those days was awesome. I remember that BRazilian flight pioneer who lived in Paris and had his own hot air balloon (dirigible) to carry him from his loft down to the streets of Paris to get coffee at a cafe. Can you imagine how awesome that was, before lameass laws and such?