Child trying to cut a sun beam, 1886 [432x600]

Image from and submitted by SixSpice
image showing Child trying to cut a sun beam, 1886 [432x600]

mrkrstphr on December 10th, 2017 at 01:08 UTC »

Weekly meeting of the Goofy Hat Guild going on in the background.

eyepants on December 10th, 2017 at 04:14 UTC »

I like to imagine how if I went back in time with the knowledge I have now, I could become powerful and famous by telling people of the past future stuff. But I don't know shit lol. I'm useless in any decade.

ruindd on December 10th, 2017 at 05:07 UTC »

copied from an old thread over in /r/oldschoolcool

This photo was taken by Adam Diston. He was a painter who became a photographer. He took regular portraits at his shop but also did posed composition shots like this and won a lot of awards. He did a series of somewhat subtle morality tale type photos. I'm guessing this is one of them. The same we buy posters today people bought photos. They were very popular in an era before TV, radios, or movies (for most).