gimme gimme

Image from and submitted by Jack0fAll7rades
image showing gimme gimme

some88d00d on December 5th, 2017 at 01:52 UTC »

This shit's too real

AmySchumersAnalTumor on December 5th, 2017 at 02:18 UTC »


I got lost in a wiki hole earlier, reading about old shows I used to watch and what not. Ignored their pleas for money.

I just spent $10 on candy, high at a grocery store.

Donating to wiki, right now.

Edit : fell asleep right away last night, but no bamboozle, donated $30 when I woke up

Seref15 on December 5th, 2017 at 03:28 UTC »

I gave em $5 last month. Wikipedia's always got my back. Helped me in school. Helps me at my job. Helped me buy a car. Helped me understand credit. Helped me learn about why Blue Curacao is blue. Helped me learn about why Braveheart was not an accurate movie...

Next to Google, Reddit, and YouTube, Wikipedia probably gets the most hours of use from me. And they've never even dreamed of charging for it, they just ask for donations. Like, you know what, if I can afford to tip the pizza guy $5 then I can afford to donate to Wikipedia.