Life Protip

Image from and submitted by _FuChan_
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Deltawolf363 on November 30th, 2017 at 13:21 UTC »

Moon truthers unite!

TooSmalley on November 30th, 2017 at 14:29 UTC »

You say that but there is a group of people who think the moon is a hologram

Edit: Fixed a letter

Person2_ on November 30th, 2017 at 15:59 UTC »

"The earth is flat"

"You're one of those people huh? The ones that believe that there actually is an 'Earth'? You sicken me."

Another option:

"The earth is flat"

"No, it's actually a square with curved corners. And it's hollow, that's where are all the dinosaurs and lizard people live. Obama and Biden where actually just lizard people seeing how easy it would be to take positions of power in the surface world, and Trump is phase 2 of their plan. Stop being ignorant."