Ruth Lee, a hostess at a Chinese restaurant, flies a Chinese flag so she isn’t mistaken for Japanese when she sunbathes on her days off in Miami. Dec. 15, 1941 (Colorized) [2998 x 2392]

Image from and submitted by Snarblox
image showing Ruth Lee, a hostess at a Chinese restaurant, flies a Chinese flag so she isn’t mistaken for Japanese when she sunbathes on her days off in Miami. Dec. 15, 1941 (Colorized) [2998 x 2392]

raindog42 on November 28th, 2017 at 20:23 UTC »

Only a mere week after Pearl Harbor - I can't imagine how it was living in this country for Asian Americans at the time.

Yorikor on November 29th, 2017 at 00:11 UTC »

Why did she need the flag when the Americans handed out these useful guidelines?

Edit: As a bonus, here's a comic by the US government that gives even more tips on how to spot the C from the J:

oman1943 on November 29th, 2017 at 02:45 UTC »

Off topic but does it look really cold for a beach day