Liar Of The Free World

Image from and submitted by GallowBoob
image showing Liar Of The Free World

thewholedamnplanet on November 26th, 2017 at 12:38 UTC »

Number of times Trump had fake Time covers on his club wall?

cobalt26 on November 26th, 2017 at 13:46 UTC »

With r/nocontext, "editor of time" would be one hell of a title

ZeiglerJaguar on November 26th, 2017 at 15:39 UTC »

Why does nobody ever talk about the fact that Trump is addicted to a very particular lie?

It always follows him taking some criticism, or not getting something he wants, and it always goes like this:

"X was failing and so they came BEGGING to me... and I said NO!"

He uses this same lie about all sorts of people. I can't be bothered to come up with a list, but I know he's done it about multiple TV shows. For all his sobbing about "elites" in the "fake news," he desperately, desperately craves their approval.

It's so pathetically boilerplate and sad. I can't imagine even his cultists actually believe him, they just think he's "trolling the media lulz."