This is Brian Roberts. He is the CEO of Comcast. He buys your legislators to block local ISPs. He is one of the primary funders of the opposition to Net Neutrality. Don't forget the people behind the opposition.

Image from and submitted by limbodog
image showing This is Brian Roberts. He is the CEO of Comcast. He buys your legislators to block local ISPs. He is one of the primary funders of the opposition to Net Neutrality. Don't forget the people behind the opposition.

StuffyUnicorn on November 22nd, 2017 at 16:45 UTC »

Yes, Brian Roberts deserves this shout out, but lets not forget the pocket-stuffed blind-eye turned legislators he and just about every other Telecom CEO has up their asses.

hidanone on November 22nd, 2017 at 17:15 UTC »

That guy is worth almost 2 billion USD and yet he's trying to squeeze as much money as he can from the citizens. Why? Why do you need so much money? Is 2 billion dollars not enough for you? I just don't get it.

komali_2 on November 22nd, 2017 at 17:34 UTC »

Thanks, I'll add him to my list.

It's mostly Ajit on the list for now, as well as Ted Cruz.

I keep a list of people who I will regularly remind, until they or I die, of the shitty things they've been up to this and last year.

It seems insignificant now because everyone's screaming for shitstain Ajit's head in 2017.

But in 2045, when he's long since moved on, probably had a change of heart for many things in his younger years, probably just trying to enjoy retirement with his grandkids... Every single month a tweet, every couple weeks an email, every Christmas a card, from me, the glacial grudge holder, reminding him of how much of a fucking cock he was in 2017.

edit: Thread locked, but people like this idea. I will eventually make the above list (see edited-in image) public in a way that allows you to see how often I pester these people. Then, I will enable others to participate in the pestering. I am working with a couple redditors on this project, should be fun. Ping me if interested.

Stop offering me money, ping me instead and we'll buy an airplane ad to fly over his house or something.