Strengthening Causal Estimates for Links Between Spanking and Children’s Externalizing Behavior ProblemsPsychological Science

Authored by and submitted by davidklemke

Establishing causal links when experiments are not feasible is an important challenge for psychology researchers. The question of whether parents’ spanking causes children’s externalizing behavior problems poses such a challenge because randomized experiments of spanking are unethical, and correlational studies cannot rule out potential selection factors. This study used propensity score matching based on the lifetime prevalence and recent incidence of spanking in a large and nationally representative sample ( N = 12,112) as well as lagged dependent variables to get as close to causal estimates outside an experiment as possible. Whether children were spanked at the age of 5 years predicted increases in externalizing behavior problems by ages 6 and 8, even after the groups based on spanking prevalence or incidence were matched on a range of sociodemographic, family, and cultural characteristics and children’s initial behavior problems. These statistically rigorous methods yield the conclusion that spanking predicts a deterioration of children’s externalizing behavior over time.

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dafuq453 on November 17th, 2017 at 08:09 UTC »

Correlation or causality? Could be that the kids are getting more spankings because they are exhibiting behavioural problems before age 5, and carrying them forward.

Bronfenbrenner on November 17th, 2017 at 03:26 UTC »

I was wondering why these findings - spanking predicts externalizing behavior - would be exciting enough to be published in Psychological Science, given that multiple previous longitudinal studies with similar and better (e.g., genetically sensitive longitudinal studies, studies with more time intervals and longer follow up periods, longitudinal RCTs with parenting interventions focused on reducing spanking, etc) designs have already reached the same conclusion over and over again. So this is nothing new.

But one of the reasons must be the impressive sample size.

entropizer on November 17th, 2017 at 02:55 UTC »

Why isn't it a norm to put effect sizes in abstracts yet?