(xpost r/perth) Everyone in my parents street (6025) received this in their letterbox. Got a solid chuckle

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by jimjup1
image showing (xpost r/perth) Everyone in my parents street (6025) received this in their letterbox. Got a solid chuckle

wenzxer on November 14th, 2017 at 05:49 UTC »

I really wanna know what poor ol' Ian Goodenough did to the creator of this survey.

FlickyG on November 14th, 2017 at 06:53 UTC »

I take it the "Globeheart Church" being referred to is the "Globalheart Church", which has a location in Perth.

They must talk to the principal before dating a fellow student, abstain from homosexuality and accept that Pentecostal glossolalia - the ancient practice of speaking in tongues - will be a part of any baptism.

According to Globalheart's "resolute" leaders, speaking in tongues is evidence that the Holy Spirit has been received during the immersion ritual and the college will not process any application from a prospective student "who is not clear about this".

Sections of the student handbook refer to the "punishment of the wicked through eternal torment", the "personality" of the devil and the "imminent and personal return of Lord Jesus Christ".

These are the people you're electing to represent you, Australia.

EDIT: Rob Johnson, the Liberal MP, believes the Church is actively working to take over leadership of Liberal seats.