Scientists Develop Drug That Can 'Melt Away' Harmful Fat

Authored by and submitted by twowrongsmakealeft

Scientists think they’ve discovered a new drug that can melt away heart-clogging fat.

CNBC reports that researchers from the University of Aberdeen think that one dose of a new drug Trodusquemine could completely reverse the effects of Atherosclerosis, the build-up of fatty plaque in the arteries. The condition can cause a number of heart problems, including a stroke or heart attack.

The drug was initially developed to help treat cancer and diabetes. Another cancer drug, Canakinumab, was recently discovered to have some heart benefits as well.

Researchers have found that mice that are given a single dose of the drug have less fatty plaque in their arteries than those that have not had the drug. It’s still in a pre-clinical level trial, but it seems to be working.

Next, researchers plan to conduct human trials to see if the drug could potentially be used to help treat people with Atherosclerosis. Separate trials are already underway to use the drug in diabetes and cancer care.

Dawknight on November 7th, 2017 at 14:46 UTC »

The thumbnail is sooooo not relevant... if it's made to clear up the fat in the arteries.

m0le on November 7th, 2017 at 13:17 UTC »

For other people not wanting to dig around for more details, atherosclerosis is caused by the macrophages in our blood that clear up deposits of fat in our arteries being overwhelmed by the volume and turning into foam cells, which prompts more macrophages to come clean that up, in a self reinforcing cycle. This drug interrupts that cycle, allowing natural clean up mechanisms to eat away the plaques. It has been successful in mouse trials and is heading for human trials now. Fingers crossed.

daveime on November 7th, 2017 at 12:46 UTC »

I was diagnosed with this in my left leg about 5 years ago - the main artery is 70% blocked.

However, a combination of anti-cholesterol, arterial dilator and blood thinning drugs allows me to function normally by allowing the blood to find a path down other minor pathways.

One dose of this could alleviate a lifetime of these "maintenance" drugs - however I do worry what happens to all the plaque and crap that gets (presumably) loosened? Having all that stuff in my bloodstream is surely not a good idea? How is it excreted?