All blood is equal and controlled by the heart

Image from and submitted by Vispooh
image showing All blood is equal and controlled by the heart

_dankcommie_ on November 6th, 2017 at 18:46 UTC »

But this can't be from Russia, why would they use western capitalist shit language English instead of gloriously beautiful slavic language of the motherland Russian?

aldude3 on November 6th, 2017 at 19:34 UTC »

Answer is B because hemoglobin has hemes in it.

NoelTrotsky on November 6th, 2017 at 20:37 UTC »

Ownership is a fallacy the Bourgeois perpetrate to maintain their slavery. Blood never 'acquires' anything. It carries and distributes, helping feed the whole. Blood is but one part, no more or less valuable because of it's color or job.

Given the 100 year birthday of the Revolution now this 'professor's' poor effort at humor is even more tasteless.