My friend has heterochromia iridis and I found rocks that match it

Image from and submitted by helloimmj
image showing My friend has heterochromia iridis and I found rocks that match it

PainerReviews on November 7th, 2017 at 02:30 UTC »

those are some incredible eyes

ObnoxiousSeizures on November 7th, 2017 at 02:56 UTC »

I wanna see a picture of his whole face. I feel like that eye would draw SO much attention to itself

WubbaDubs on November 7th, 2017 at 06:05 UTC »

There are actually three types of heterochromia for eyes: there is sectional, which is pictured in the post, central - which is where there is a halo of color in the center of the iris and the outer part is the true color, and complete - which one eye is colored different than the other.

I have central heterochromia myself, ever really thought much of it, but it looks cool