Roses are red, bananas are wonky

Image from and submitted by Jealy
image showing Roses are red, bananas are wonky

Piffinatour on November 3rd, 2017 at 13:17 UTC »

Hell, serves 'em right.

joelthezombie15 on November 3rd, 2017 at 14:40 UTC »

Does anyone have a link to the full story. Why are they raping a donkey. They could just screw each other instead.

Or is this a case of them trying to fuck with a donkey or something? Either way. Why were they raping this poor donkey?

Drillbit on November 3rd, 2017 at 15:14 UTC »


It originated as a blog post (and tweet) by Pamela Geller who was rehashing an August 2017 article from British tabloid, "The Sun". It got retweeted by renowned right wing figures like Gavin Mccinnes and Tarek Fatah and got thousands of retweets and responses. There was a thread on the_Donald subreddit about the news as well. Generally the responses were hateful towards Muslims and Middle Easterners.

What a shocking display of monumetal ignorance, it turns out, because the story is a hoax. All these people who call themselves "journalists" and who were retweeting the story evidently did not bother to read past the headline and verify the source. It takes a meagre two clicks from Pam's website to get to the source of the news which is Morocco World News. And what do we have here? An update at the end of the article clearly stating that the story is a hoax.

According to a thorough investigation conducted by Moroccan news website Ledesk, the incident, which was widely reported by Moroccan and international media, turned out to be a hoax.

Update: According to a thorough investigation conducted by Moroccan news website Ledesk, the incident, which was widely reported by Moroccan and international media, turned out to be a hoax.