There's Now a Whistleblower Hotline for Scientists Working Under the Trump Administration

Authored by and submitted by anutensil
image for There's Now a Whistleblower Hotline for Scientists Working Under the Trump Administration

If there's something weird and it don't look good, who ya gonna call? Well, if you're a government-employed scientist, there's at least one option: a new hotline set up to expose any anti-science action under President Trump.

Trump's administration is one of the most anti-science in history, and recent actions have underscored the lengths it's willing to go to reign in government researchers. Just last week, the Environmental Protection Agency cancelled a planned talk by three agency scientists at a climate change conference. On Monday, EPA head Scott Pruitt—citing the bible—barred scientists who receive EPA funding from sitting on the agency's advisory groups.

In light of all this, 314 Action, a political advocacy group that is helping scientists run for office, has set up its whistleblower hotline and specifically reached out to 30,000 EPA, NASA, and NSF scientists to let them know who to call. They also set up a website ( and multiple channels for communication, including Signal, WhatApp, and good a old-fashioned snail mail address.

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"I would hope nobody has to use it," Shaughnessy Naughton, a chemist and founder of 314 Action, told me over the phone."What we know about what's going on is already troubling, so what we don't know could be terrifying."

Naughton said she's not sure if, or what, information may be leaked but that 314 Action partnered with law firm Garvey Schubert Barer, which is offering services pro bono, to make sure anything that comes out goes through proper legal channels. The hope is to discourage or raise awareness around any government interference that prevents scientists from doing their work or sharing their findings with the public, but what those leaks might look like is difficult to guess.

President Trump has been particularly critical of leaks in his administration, frequently tweeting about his intention to root out leakers from his office. (Although Naughton noted no president is a fan of whistleblowers.) So do we think he'll take kindly to a hotline specifically designed for scientists in his government to sound the alarm? I guess it depends if anyone uses it.

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RedRockPB on November 2nd, 2017 at 16:45 UTC »

.... this service already exists. It’s called the GAO.

But ok.

Edit: forgot to mention the Inspector Generals office also.

If everyone wasn’t fully aware of this already, the Federal government is just short of being nonfunctional do to the endless amounts of red tape that people have to pass through. This article is complete concern trolling garbage.

Harry-le-Roy on November 2nd, 2017 at 14:15 UTC »

This sounds like a political organization. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has an official channel for reporting fraud, waste, and abuse, here. Reports here are reviewed and as appropriate referred to agency inspectors general, and/or federal, state, and/or local law enforcement for investigation, or may be investigated by GAO.

Of significant importance for the person reporting the fraud, waste, or abuse, this also triggers whistle-blower protection.

Source: I'm a management consultant with experience in auditing federal programs and contracts.

TheBlacktom on November 2nd, 2017 at 12:27 UTC »

Let's hope it's not a trap.