As a Puerto Rican who has been 40 days without power.... I finnaly could enjoy a hot shower and a cold beer again! Feels like heaven!

Image from and submitted by Rob4Vendetta
image showing As a Puerto Rican who has been 40 days without power.... I finnaly could enjoy a hot shower and a cold beer again! Feels like heaven!

Shroffinator on November 2nd, 2017 at 01:59 UTC »

have another beer for me!

science_is_hot on November 2nd, 2017 at 02:25 UTC »

40 days? Yikes! That's a shower beer well deserved, my friend!

GDHPNS on November 2nd, 2017 at 06:07 UTC »

We just sent my grandpa a generator last week. 124 pounds costs $600 to ship. He's former military, but he was pleading with our family to send him one, because he couldn't handle it anymore. We've only heard from my grandma on the other side of the island twice (San Sebastián) and only for a few minutes before the cell phone signal drops. Word-of-mouth from family and weeks later seems to be the only way to get information out of there. It's insane to me. My mom here in the states cries a lot reading the tragic news coming from the island and watching the queues of people at the stores getting turned away from FEMA after they run out of supplies. Grandpa has never seen FEMA in his town of Guayanilla. /: