"The Caspian Sea Monster" this one of a kind creation was built for the sole purpose of destroying aircraft carriers

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by malgoya
image showing "The Caspian Sea Monster" this one of a kind creation was built for the sole purpose of destroying aircraft carriers

malgoya on November 1st, 2017 at 22:04 UTC »

"Lun" is a unique soviet military vehicle; half-plane half-ship

Lun is a ground effect vehicle (ekranoplan is the direct transliteration from Russian), the most grandiose in its class. This type of vehicle uses the aerodynamic ground effect observed while flying at low altitude.

Its complicated, here's the wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_effect_(aerodynamics)

"Lun" (translates as "harrier") has the qualities of a ship and a plane, and carries six P-270 Moskit cruise missiles.

It can fly over the ground or over water but unfortunately can't rise up to the sky like other types of ground effect vehicles. However - it has good amphibious qualities and a top speed of 300 mph.

Lun was designed to fight ships with missiles. The main target of Lun are aircraft carriers. Lun could approach an aircraft carrier within range of its precision missile launch system due to its high speed and invisibility to radars.

The crew of the Lun consisted 7 officers and 4 midshipmen. Its capability of autonomous operation was 5 days.

A rather extensive album with over 100 pictures

Here's a video

Here it is on google maps

letsplayyatzee on November 1st, 2017 at 22:20 UTC »

Fallout looking as fuck.

boxjellyblues on November 1st, 2017 at 22:29 UTC »

Pedant Alert

'Caspian Sea Monster' more properly refers to the KM ekranoplan - even bigger than the Lun here. It was named by American analysts after they spotted it in satellite photos and assumed it was a massive transport aircraft that hadn't had the wings finished yet.