hold my fries while I find acceptance

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by insignificantguy
image showing hold my fries while I find acceptance

Yanrogue on November 1st, 2017 at 01:33 UTC »

Dead by 25 at that rate.

SwedishSanta on November 1st, 2017 at 02:38 UTC »

Now, I feel really bad for this kid. 15 years and already morbidly obese. The kid's parents are the ones who fucked up and it is first now that the kid is realizing that maybe he should not be looking like this. The even sadder part is that he/she instead of going to r/fitness or r/loseit for actual help, goes to an echo chamber to ask for acceptance and be told that she/he is part of the norm (although in this case it seems that the top answer is "No")

If this person would be 25 on the other hand and still morbidly obese, I would say "shameful". Sure, your parents ruined you but at 25 you should be fully cognitively developed to realize that you can change to the better.

bananabastard on November 1st, 2017 at 03:19 UTC »

Sure, it's normal for a 15 year old girl to weigh 100lbs more than a world heavyweight boxing champion.