[Image] It's not happening as fast as you'd like...

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by strippy
image showing [Image] It's not happening as fast as you'd like...

Guyinapeacoat on October 31st, 2017 at 20:58 UTC »

With the internet, we have the ability to witness every tragedy that is happening on a daily basis. We also can see the collective happiness, art and music of humanity as well.

We can choose people we loathe and scream out to them half a planet away, and then instantly surround ourselves with people who share our hate. We also can seek motivation and wisdom from the majority of great souls dead or alive.

This is a privilege given to no one else in the history of mankind. We can either choose to focus on the destruction, or the happiness, or go our own way while ignoring it. But in the end, you choose what you want to focus on. And you can choose anywhere between nihilism or enlightenment. It's up to you.

Edit: Alrighty, this gained more attention than I thought it would! I have so many comments to pore through and make responses. It's honestly one of the main things I like about Reddit, really. And of course, thanks for the gold! I am glad I touched some hearts.

peanutbutterandjesus on October 31st, 2017 at 21:41 UTC »

Welp I mean I'll pretty certainly be dead by the time shit looks like that last picture

GodHaatOnsAllemaal on October 31st, 2017 at 21:52 UTC »

The world's transforming into a collection of children's toys and pyramids? God save us all!