2nd Texas judge announces switch from Republican to Democratic Party

Authored by kxan.com and submitted by daedalususedperl
image for 2nd Texas judge announces switch from Republican to Democratic Party

AUSTIN (KXAN)- For the second time in two weeks, a Texas judge has announced departure from the Republican Party to become a Texas Democrat.

Judge Lauren Parish of the 115th Judicial District Court which serves Upshur and Marion Counties, announced Friday she will be leaving the Republican Party and will now identify as a Democrat. Parish served as a democrat for years but, as her East Texas community became more Republican, she made the switch.

She said her faith, principle and commitment to Texas values drove her to her decision to go back to the Texas Democratic party.

This news comes only one week after Justice Terry Jennings of Texas’ First Court of Appeals announced his departure from the Republican party saying, “The Democratic party- and the Democratic party alone- presents our country with a positive and optimistic vision for the future of all Americans, not just a select few.”

Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa issued the following statement:

“Today, we welcome a new Texas Democrat to our party, East Texas Judge Lauren Parish. Over the past few years, we have seen the Republican Party fall off the ideological cliff.

Also, we have seen Donald Trump use misogyny, racism and conspiracy theories for political gain. This is a time for principled leaders to stand up. This is a time for Texas to say our families deserve more. I’m proud top see Judge Lauren Parish take a stand for Texas families and join our Democratic Party.”

Texas Democrat Judge Lauren Parish issued the following statement:

“The Grand Old Party of Lincoln no longer exists today. The current Republican Party has abandoned all the principles instilled in me by my parents, my church and my community.

I was brought up to respect my fellow man and to respect authority, to love my neighbor, to help those who cannot help themselves, and to help build people up not tear people down.

I see no way of reconciling my Christian beliefs with the manner in which the Republican Party is conducting itself. That is why I feel compelled to stand up and come back to the Texas Democratic Party.”

striker169 on October 25th, 2017 at 14:27 UTC »

She was a Democrat, switched to the Republican Party, then just now switched back.... this isn't as much Trumpgret as it is just another sleazy politician switching back and forth as the wind blows....

jibbawock on October 25th, 2017 at 12:58 UTC »

This is the only way for Republicans to maintain their dignity and decency in the age of Trump: quit the GOP.

4daughters on October 25th, 2017 at 12:36 UTC »

Always glad to see people standing for principle, and I admit I don't know Texas politics, but aren't judges supposed to be non-partisan?