Walgreens stocking Narcan nasal spray in all pharmacies nationwide

Authored by dailyherald.com and submitted by sirjessington
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Walgreens stocking Narcan nasal spray in all pharmacies nationwide

As part of its comprehensive national plan to combat drug abuse, Walgreens is now stocking Narcan, an FDA-approved nasal form of naloxone, in all of its more than 8,000 pharmacies nationwide.

The medication, administered by nasal spray, can be used in the event of an overdose to reverse the effects of opioid drugs, which include some prescription painkillers and heroin.

"By stocking Narcan in all our pharmacies, we are making it easier for families and caregivers to help their loved ones by having it on hand in case it is needed," said Rick Gates, Walgreens group vice president of pharmacy. "As a pharmacy we are committed to making Narcan more accessible in the communities we serve."

In addition, Walgreens is adopting Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations by educating patients about Narcan when they are dispensed a controlled substance greater than 50 morphine milligram equivalents and may be at risk of accidental overdose.

"This action is an important milestone and we applaud Walgreens initiatives to improve access to Narcan Nasal Spray in communities across the U.S.," said Seamus Mulligan, CEO at Adapt Pharma, the manufacturer of Narcan Nasal Spray. "This effort, combined with the opportunity for patients and caregivers to obtain Narcan Nasal Spray without an individual prescription in 45 states, is critical in combating this crisis."

In an effort to educate the public on use of naloxone, pharmaceutical wholesaler AmerisourceBergen has distributed Narcan demo devices at no cost to Walgreens pharmacists for use in instructing patients on how to administer the medication. Additional instructions include calling 911, as Narcan is not a substitute for medical care. Anyone who is administered the medication should seek immediate medical attention.

Last year Walgreens announced an effort to make naloxone available without requiring a prescription in states where regulations allow. The company now offers naloxone without requiring a prescription in 45 states and is eager and willing to work with the remaining states to make naloxone easier to obtain.

Walgreens has also collected more than 155 tons of unwanted medications through its safe medication disposal kiosks in 600 pharmacies across 45 states and Washington D.C. The kiosks allow individuals to safely and conveniently dispose of unwanted prescriptions, including controlled substances and over-the-counter medications, year-round at no cost.

ZigZagSigSag on October 25th, 2017 at 04:21 UTC »


The full dose of Nalaxone (Narcan) can (EDIT: had been "will", few things are constant in medicine) have a fairly abrupt "return" to life. This can sometimes mean the patient is (highly) aggressive when they come to because the high was just stolen out from under them. The good news is that they'll be alive, the somewhat rough news is that they'll be super lively.

Something to keep in mind! Because of the ridiculous fentanyl and carfentanil doses going around and the extremely difficult to guage self dosing that users will put into their viens, it is also likely that the first dose or even subsequent doses of Nalaxone won't work.

In some cases, the Nalaxone works for a while, but the drug still present in the system eventually overpowers how the Nalaxone works and the patient will lapse back into their overdose.

Think of the use of nalaxone like you would an epi-pen. If you have to use an epi-pen you have to go to the hospital. Or call EMS, it's medical uber and it's there. We'd rather show up for you than the coroner.

Source: EMT nerd

RP-C15 on October 25th, 2017 at 00:01 UTC »


Since when does Walgreens carry an expensive name brand over a generic?

kbean826 on October 24th, 2017 at 23:15 UTC »

This is excellent news!