
Image from and submitted by MichaelRahmani
image showing Accurate.

thiccbagel on October 24th, 2017 at 21:24 UTC »

Or when you had a substitute the day prior and they left a bad note

_Ultimatum_ on October 24th, 2017 at 23:14 UTC »

This is like... anti-nostalgia. It's making me uncomfortable.

zerosumh on October 25th, 2017 at 00:27 UTC »

So I took an intro to Computer Science class in college. Teaches you beginners programming with C++. This class is majority Computer Science or Engineering students, so it isnt a class made for mix or non engineer majors.

Class seem cool at first, quizzes seem okay, instructor didnt say anything. Then we had our midterms.

Next class after midterms, the instructor is leaning against the table up front, looking like he just lost his entire family. He told us the pass rate was 40% more than half the class failed. He took it hard. First thing he says, is, "I must have done something wrong."

Never seen a teacher take it so much to heart that it was his fault more than half failed. So he said that everyone is taking the midterms again in 1 week, he will take the best of the two tests. During that 1 week it is all review, and he will be available every day including weekends for office hours.

Class average went up to like 65% pass

He pretty much told people that what he covered was simple programming and if you're not doing well or can't pass this class you should reconsider. He was right. A lot of people in that class ended up dropping out of Engineering a couple quarters later.