Who remembers making Sand Art!!??

Image from i.redditmedia.com and submitted by Forever-evolving
image showing Who remembers making Sand Art!!??

theanti_girl on October 24th, 2017 at 02:25 UTC »

I remember wanting to, but my parents would never let me spend that $20 at the carnival.

trend_rudely on October 24th, 2017 at 03:26 UTC »

I got one from the fair when I was a kid. It was a rectangular bottle layered with different shades of blue sand and looked like a nighttime desert landscape. I kept it on my trophy shelf, I just liked looking at it and letting my mind wander. Sat undisturbed for years, until this dickbag kid WHO WASN’T EVEN MY FRIEND HE WAS MY FRIEND’S FRIEND came over to play video games, got mad that I kept beating him at Mario Kart because “using Yoshi is cheating”, grabbed it off the shelf and fucking SHOOK IT UP. Had the most fucking demonic grin on his face when he did it, too. I immediately freaked out, screaming at him what the fuck are you doing, stop, no, why, why did you do this. He drops it and fucking bolts, whining and moaning “I didn’t do anything!” the whole way. I hear the screen door shut, then not two seconds later open and shut again, and my Mom runs down the hall to my room, probably thinking I had lost a finger or something, instead I’m just inconsolably sobbing over the remains of this carnival trinket, scooping tiny quivering palmfuls of blue sand from the carpet and back into the bottle, the childhood equivalent of a shell shocked private in an Oliver Stone movie cradling the viscera of his disemboweled squad leader. Kid showed up on my front porch with his mom not 10 minutes later with some fairy tale about how I was mad that I WAS LOSING and he was SO scared and he ACCIDENTALLY knocked it over and said he was sorry but then I said I was gonna hit him so he ran away, and this oblivious twit says “I think your son owes my son an apology, otherwise I don’t want them playing together anymore,” and my mom (who still doesn’t get what’s so fucking tragic about some spilled sand but isn’t ABOUT to let some rando neighborhood hag and her lying little crib lizard high road her on her own property) says “he’s not apologizing, and your son isn’t welcome in this house anymore” and shuts the door in her face.

TL;DR yeah OP, I remember.

LittleDrumminBoy on October 24th, 2017 at 03:31 UTC »

They were so much fun to make.. and then it was 'what the hell do i do with this jar of sand?'