30 seconds of talk about rural broadband deployments and spectrum allocation is enough to send most people running from the room.
But don’t be fooled: the FCC wields a huge amount of power over one of the nation’s most critical pieces of infrastructure, and right now, it’s a mess.
The hot-topic issue in the FCC is net neutrality.
Pai, a former Verizon lawyer, claims (falsely) that net neutrality hurts investment by ISPs, and that the magic free hand of capitalism will protect consumers anyway (it won’t).
Expect President Trump to crow about how more Americans than ever before have access to high-speed internet in the coming days.
The FCC is supposed to regulate those services and ensure that our scarce resources are being used optimally, not work out how to best maximise profits for a handful of gargantuan corporations.
You can guess which the current FCC is doing. »