LIGO Detects Fierce Collision of Neutron Stars for the First Time

Authored by and submitted by CaptMcAwesomeville
image for LIGO Detects Fierce Collision of Neutron Stars for the First Time

For the LIGO researchers, this is in some ways an even bigger bonanza than the original discovery. This is the first time they have discovered anything that regular astronomers could see and study. All of LIGO’s previous discoveries have involved colliding black holes, which are composed of empty tortured space-time — there is nothing for the eye or the telescope to see.

But neutron stars are full of stuff, matter packed at the density of Mount Everest in a teaspoon. When neutron stars slam together, all kinds of things burst out: gamma rays, X-rays, radio waves. Something for everyone who has a window on the sky.

“Joy for all,” said David Shoemaker, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who is the spokesman for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration.

It began on the morning of Aug. 17, Eastern time. Dr. Shoemaker was on a Skype call when alarms went off. One of the LIGO antennas, in Hanford, Wash., had recorded an auspicious signal and sent out an automatic alert. Twin antennas, in Washington and Louisiana, monitor the distance between a pair of mirrors to detect the submicroscopic stretching and squeezing of space caused by a passing gravitational wave. Transformed into sound, the Hanford signal was a long 100-second chirp, that ended in a sudden whoop to 1,000 cycles per second, two octaves above middle C. Such a high frequency indicated that whatever was zooming around was lighter than a black hole.

Checking the data from Livingston to find out why it had not also phoned in an alert, Dr. Shoemaker and his colleagues found a big glitch partly obscuring the same chirp.

Meanwhile, the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope, which orbits Earth looking at the highest-energy radiation in the universe, recorded a brief flash of gamma rays just two seconds after the LIGO chirp. Fermi sent out its own alert. The gamma-ray burst lasted about two seconds, which put it in a category of short gamma ray bursts associated with the formation of black holes perhaps as a result of neutron stars colliding.

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“When we saw that,” Dr. Shoemaker said, “the adrenaline hit.”

Dr. Kalogera, who was in Utah hiking and getting ready for August’s total solar eclipse when she got the alarm, recalled thinking: “Oh my God, this is it. This 50-year-old mystery, the holy grail, is solved.”

Together the two signals told a tale of a pair of neutron stars — dense balls about as massive as the sun but only about the size of Manhattan — spiraling around each other like the blades of a kitchen blender.

The stars were each the survivors of cosmic violence: All that was left of a pair of stars whose explosions had once lit up their galaxy, circling each other and merging in a cataclysm never before seen by human eyes.

And it was loud, meaning that it was relatively close to Earth, said Zsuzsa Marka, a Columbia astrophysicist, showing off the chirp on a laptop in her office recently. But where?

Luckily the European Virgo antenna had joined the gravitational wave network only two weeks before, and it also showed a faint chirp at the same time. The fact that it was so weak allowed the group to localize the signal to a small region of the sky in the southern constellation Hydra that was in Virgo’s blind spot.

The hunt was on. By then Hydra was setting in the southern sky. It would be 11 hours before astronomers in Chile could take up the chase.

One of them was Ryan Foley, who was working with a team on the Swope telescope run by the Carnegie Institution on Cerro Las Campanas in Chile. Figuring the burst had come from a galaxy, they made a list of the biggest galaxies in that region and set off to photograph them all systematically, the biggest ones first. “Just mow the lawn,” as Dr. Foley, a professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz, put it in a phone interview.

The fireball showed up in the ninth galaxy photographed, as a new bluish pinprick of light in the outer regions of NGC 4993, a swirl of stars about 130 million light years from here. “These are the first optical photons from a kilonova humankind has ever collected,” Dr. Foley said.

Within 10 minutes, another group of astronomers, led by Marcelle Soares-Santos of Brandeis University and using the Dark Energy Camera, which could photograph large parts of the sky with a telescope at the nearby Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory, had also spotted the same speck of light.

Emails went flying about in the Chilean night. Within hours four more groups had found the fireball.

When the Hubble Space Telescope swung over to the galaxy, it was inadvertently announced on Twitter, which led J. Craig Wheeler, an astronomer at the University of Texas, to respond with his own tweet: “New LIGO. Source with optical counterpart. Blow your sox off!”

Dr. Wheeler quickly deleted his tweet, but the discovery was creating a social media buzz among astronomers and stargazers.

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When it was first identified, the fireball of 8,000-degree gas was about the size of Neptune’s orbit and radiating about 100 million times as much energy as the sun.

Nine days later, the orbiting Chandra X-ray Observatory detected X-rays coming from the location of the burst, and a week after that, the Very Large Array in New Mexico recorded radio emissions. Over the course of a few days, meanwhile, the visible fireball faded and went from blue to red.

From all this, scientists have begun patching together a tentative story of what happened in the NGC 4993 galaxy.

“It’s actually surprising how well we were able to anticipate what we’re seeing,” said Brian David Metzger, a theorist at Columbia University who coined the term kilonova back in 2010. But Dr. Kalogera cautioned that this was not a “vanilla gamma ray burst, being way fainter and closer than any previously observed.”

As they tell it, the merging objects were probably survivors of stars that had been orbiting each other and had each puffed up and then died in the spectacular supernova explosions in which massive stars end their luminous lives. Making reasonable assumptions about their spins, these neutron stars were about 1.1 and 1.6 times as massive as the sun, smack in the known range of neutron stars.

As they approached each other swirling a thousand times a second, tidal forces bulged their surfaces outward. Quite a bit of what Dr. Metzger called “neutron star guts” were ejected and formed a fat doughnut around the merging stars.

At the moment they touched each other, a shock wave squeezed more material out of their polar regions, but the doughnut and extreme magnetic fields confined the material into an ultra-high-speed jet emitting a blitzkrieg of radiation. Those were the gamma rays, carrying news of the catastrophe to the outside universe.

As the jet slowed down and widened, encountering interstellar gas in the galaxy, it began to glow in X-rays and then radio waves.

The subatomic nuggets known as neutrons meanwhile were working their cosmic alchemy. The atoms in normal matter are mostly empty space: a teeny tiny nucleus of positively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons enveloped in a fluffy ephemeral cloud of negatively charged electrons. Under the enormous pressures of a supernova explosion, however, the electrons get squeezed back into the protons turning them into neutrons packed into a ball denser than an atomic nucleus.

The big splat liberates these neutrons into space where they inundate the surrounding atoms, transmuting them into heavy elements. The radioactivity of these newly created elements keeps the fireball hot and glowing.

Dr. Metzger estimated that an amount of gold equal to 40 to 100 times the mass of the Earth could have been produced over a few days and blown into space. For uranium the number is 10 to 30 times the mass of the Earth. In the coming eons, those metals could be incorporated into new stars and planets and in some far, far day become the material for an alien generation’s jewels or weapons.

The discovery filled a long-known chink in the accepted explanation of how the chemistry of the universe evolved from pure hydrogen and helium into the diverse place it is today. Stars and supernovas could manufacture the elements up to iron or so, according to classic papers in the 1950s by Margaret and Geoffrey Burbidge, Fred Hoyle and William A. Fowler, but heavier elements required a different thermonuclear chemistry called r-process and lots of free neutrons floating around. Where would they have come from?

One idea was neutron star collisions, or kilonovas, which now seem destined to take their place on the laundry list of cosmic catastrophes along with the supernova explosions and black hole collisions that have shaped the history of the universe.

drewdle on October 16th, 2017 at 14:39 UTC »

Does anybody know how LIGO notifies observatories? I hope it’s automated, like an emergency weather alert so telescopes can drop what they’re doing and turn to look as fast as possible.

recentfish on October 16th, 2017 at 14:25 UTC »

... a blizzard of papers are being published, including one in The Astrophysical Journal Letters that has 4,500 authors — a third of all the professional astronomers in the world

Gotta love physics. Physicists out there, are the many papers in your field with tons of authors a reflection of the complexity and interconnectedness of the field? Or a strong spirit of giving everyone who contributed credit? Both?

Andromeda321 on October 16th, 2017 at 14:05 UTC »

Astronomer here! This is HUGE news! (TL;DR at bottom for those who just want the skinny.) There are two kinds of gravitational wave signal that LIGO can detect- colliding black holes (of which four such events have been found so far), and harder but a neutron star- neutron star (NS-NS) collision is also possible. And these are harder to detect, but the signal you get has a lot more going for it: first, no one knows for sure if black hole- black hole mergers even have any light they give off, but second the amount of sky you get from these LIGO signals if you want to do follow up is insane- you will literally get a map covering about half the sky and be told to go look. As you can imagine, that's not super useful.

NS-NS mergers, though, are different. First, we did expect them to give off electromagnetic radiation in some form- for example, there is a class of gamma ray burst (GRB), called short GRBs, which make up about 30% of all GRBs we detect but no one has said where they come from for sure but NS-NS mergers were the leading theory. It's been a mystery for decades though. Second, the map you get is way better on the sky- more like 30 square degrees (might not be perfectly remembering that number), which is still a lot of sky but nowhere near as bad as half of it if you want to find a counterpart.

So, in August, LIGO detected a gravitational wave from a NS-NS merger, and the gamma-ray telescope Fermi detected a GRB at the exact same time from that direction of sky. Moreover, it was astronomically pretty close to us- I don't remember how exactly you get distance from gravitational waves, but the point is you can and you could then make up a list of galaxies within that patch of sky within that distance for a short follow-up list. So this was way easier to track down, and everyone in August was laughing in astronomy because this was the worst kept secret of all time- all the big space telescopes have public logs, for example, when they do a "target of opportunity" it is public record. But what was found exactly was still a secret until today, and the answer is multiple telescopes picked up this signal in multiple bands, which is a kind of signal we've never seen before but some folks have literally spent decades looking for. So not only do we have the first successful follow up from a gravitational wave detector, we have solved the mystery of where 30% of GRBs come from AND witnessed a NS-NS merger for the first time ever!

On a final note, I should say that the first astronomer to discover the signal from this merger, in optical, is a colleague of mine who doesn't even normally focus on this stuff, but got lucky for doing follow up in the right place at the right time and thus gets the eternal fame and fortune. She is an awesome astronomer, plus all around good person, and it is always so lovely to see cool people succeed! :)

We are at the dawn of something new! This is an exciting place to be!

TL;DR- Not only did they discover the first ever neutron star-neutron star merger, they also did the first ever follow up in light to detect it there, and solved an enduring mystery lasting decades on where 30% of all gamma ray bursts come from. Pretty awesome day for science!

Edit: here's the paper for those curious