you have tested the site in IE?

Image from and submitted by neerajmishra94
image showing you have tested the site in IE?

Dreadedsemi on October 13rd, 2017 at 18:02 UTC »

me: "nobody uses IE anymore except idiots"

client: "I use IE"

me: "At least you are functional one."

gwynblade17 on October 13rd, 2017 at 18:33 UTC »

When they complain later, you just say

"You only asked me if I TESTED it in IE, not if it worked!"

AlphaWhelp on October 13rd, 2017 at 20:10 UTC »

True story.

One time the director comes to me with a special request "Hey, we need to do some testing in UAT but we want to flip a config value in all of our web apps and we need to be able to easily reverse it. Do you think you can just make copies of the filesystem with just config files that we can swap in and out?"

Me: "How about I write a script to just go in and change them or change them back. It'll be super quick."

Director: "I don't really know about that......"

Me: "PSHAW Don't worry I got this!" I say I confidently walk out of the room. Head back to my desk, bang out a script in 5 minutes. Test it on an isolated folder for proper behavior, it works. Run it on the UAT website, it works. Verify only config files changes, booya, got it right first time! Shoot an e-mail back over to my director. "It's done!"

10 minutes later, I get a response.

Director: "Your script changed every config file to Unicode and broke the entire environment. Can you please fix it so that it's ASCII and next time you make a change please check to make sure it works by opening it up in the web browser."