Fake Texas Facebook group created by Russians stir up hatred in Houston

Authored by cw39.com and submitted by hobbes305
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HOUSTON -- While Congress investigates whether or not Russians interfered with the 2016 presidential election, there is controversy and confusion in Houston, stemming from The Heart of Texas, a fake Facebook page which originated in St. Petersburg, Russia.

A Troll Factory called the Internet Research Agency is reportedly behind the page.

Mustafaa Carroll, executive director of Council on American-Islamic Relations says, "Here we have a foreign entity taking advantage of our domestic unrest, and our prejudices and hatred."

In 2016, the Stop Islamization of Texas rally outside an Islamic center in downtown Houston, drew protesters to the streets.

However, no one from the fake group that organized the rally even showed up. On the other hand, protesters with white lives matter shirts, banners, and Confederate flags made their presence known; and so did counter-protesters.

For Muslims in Houston say, dealing with this kind of thing isn't easy.

"We have an anti-Muslim climate that's not just organic. It's something that's been manipulated and created by 33 inner core groups and 41 outer core groups who go across this nation, spreading hate and misinformation about Muslims," Carroll stated.

Evil_Morty42 on October 7th, 2017 at 20:09 UTC »

Why are people so dumb as to get news from Facebook?

standsongiants on October 7th, 2017 at 18:49 UTC »

....and on a side note Facebook continues to be poison.

moleratical on October 7th, 2017 at 18:07 UTC »

I'm not sure if it was Russian or not but another group tried something similar claiming to hold an antifa demonstration to remove the statue of Sam Houston.

Counter protesters showed up but no actual demonstraters.