Good morning!

Image from and submitted by yendismoon
image showing Good morning!

taylyn_conner on October 7th, 2017 at 12:59 UTC »

Awww what a face to wake up to

demonachizer on October 7th, 2017 at 13:49 UTC »

I have a border collie and he and my wife worked out a morning routine that he loves. Every day they get up and she has her morning coffee and he gets some peanut butter smeared inside a toy. After this he goes outside and plays a bit. Well about 2 years ago he started doing something really interesting.

In the morning my wife normally wakes up by alarm. The alarm goes off and she presses a button to turn it off and that signals the start of their day. Well he started hitting the alarm in the morning with his paw. Like it is almost like he thinks that pushing the alarm is part of the ritual. So now she gets woken up anywhere from normal time to 30 minutes early because he will just sit and stare at her and hit the alarm with his paw and make a bunch of noise doing it.

swooneytoad on October 7th, 2017 at 13:58 UTC »

Mine would be, "I will sniff your face to make sure you are not dead because someone needs to take me out".